Sepiedeh expressing Sepiedeh´s world SEPIEDEH (DAS INTERVIEW)

Sepideh's photos certainly stand out and have a coherent style about them which is compelling.
She is clearly committed to moving from living in a traditional society into being a successful female photographer in a twenty-first century modern western setting.
She uses photoblogging to show people in the Middle East what a determined young modern woman from that region can achieve.
Sepideh joon. weiterhin viel Erfolg und viele Inspirationen für deine Arbeit. Hoffe Deine Arbeiten auch eines Tages in Wien sehen zu können. Alles Liebe. S.

Sepideh's photos certainly stand out and have a coherent style about them which is compelling.
She is clearly committed to moving from living in a traditional society into being a successful female photographer in a twenty-first century modern western setting.
She uses photoblogging to show people in the Middle East what a determined young modern woman from that region can achieve.
Sepideh joon. weiterhin viel Erfolg und viele Inspirationen für deine Arbeit. Hoffe Deine Arbeiten auch eines Tages in Wien sehen zu können. Alles Liebe. S.
snail_in_motion - 2008/04/17 08:29
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