Cafés in Tehran.
tehranavenue Archive LIST of CAFES in TEHRAN
Cafe - Tehran has changed drastically in recent decades. From new expressways to commercial billboards, the face of the city has transmogrified. Public spaces where people spend their time in have mushroomed. These public spaces have redefined people's attitude towards their city. TehranAvenue's cafe section introduces restaurants and coffee shops that have flourished in the city.
Entr'acte Café Cinema

Na dann, viel Spass beim Cafe/ Tee Trinken in Teheran. ;)
erinnert mich a bissal ans TOP KINO Café in Wien.
Cafe - Tehran has changed drastically in recent decades. From new expressways to commercial billboards, the face of the city has transmogrified. Public spaces where people spend their time in have mushroomed. These public spaces have redefined people's attitude towards their city. TehranAvenue's cafe section introduces restaurants and coffee shops that have flourished in the city.
Entr'acte Café Cinema

Na dann, viel Spass beim Cafe/ Tee Trinken in Teheran. ;)
erinnert mich a bissal ans TOP KINO Café in Wien.
snail_in_motion - 2008/07/18 21:21
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